For a birthday treat, my wife took me down to the grounds of the Old Soldier's Home in Washington, DC to see the Lincoln Cottage. This was the summer home that Ole Abe used for three summers while he was president. The home has only been recently restored but it is a fascinating place for a fun day trip. It is a typical summer retreat for the era and if you are a fan of old houses, you will love this. Since the museum is very new and fighting for funding just like everybody else in this recession, the home is very sparsely furnished so in many ways the tour is not as interesting as say, The Douglass House in Anacostia or the The Tudor Mansion in Georgetown. They just have not had the time or experience to put together a polished tour and the separate museum building is a little lacking. The tour and museum seem to have been set up for school tours and really won't impart anything new to someone who already knows something about Abe Lincoln (that would be most of us). I might add that the grounds are very large and accommodate the VA hospital, The Soldier's Home and the first National Cemetery where over 5,000 Union soldiers are buried. Many of the buildings are quite old and lovely, and once on the grounds you can pretty much wander anywhere. A rare treat in this day of heavy security.
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